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Version: 1.14


This document describes high-level Botkube architecture, all components in the system and interactions between them.

Botkube is split into two main parts:

  • Botkube agent: Botkube binary that serves as a bridge between communication platforms (e.g. Slack, Discord) and Botkube plugins (sources and executors).
  • Botkube plugins: The executable binaries that communicate with Botkube agent over an RPC interface. Botkube supports two types of plugins, respectively called Source plugins and Executor plugins.


The following diagram visualizes all main components in the system.


Plugin repository​

A plugin repository is a place where plugin binaries and index file are stored. This repository must be publicly available and supports downloading assets via HTTP(s). Any static file server can be used, for instance: GitHub Pages, s3, gcs, etc.

Plugin manager​

Plugin manager takes care of downloading enabled and bound plugins, running a given plugin binary and maintaining the gRPC connection. Under the hood, the go-plugin library is used. Plugin manager is responsible both for the executor and source plugins.

Plugin executor bridge​

Plugin executor bridge is resolving the received Botkube command, calling the respective plugin, and sending back the response to a given communication platform.


Executor is a binary that implements the executor Protocol Buffers contract. Executor runs a given command, such as kubectl one, and returns the response in a synchronous way.

Streaming command response is not supported. As a result, commands which take a lot of time doesn't work well, as the response won't be sent until the command is finished.

Plugin source bridge​

Plugin source bridge is dispatching received source events to all configured communication channels.


Source is a binary that implements the source Protocol Buffers contract. Source starts asynchronous streaming of domain-specific events. For example, streaming Kubernetes events.


Bot represents a bidirectional communication platform. Each bot is responsible for authenticating, managing connections, and providing an interface for receiving and sending messages for a given platform like Slack, Discord, etc. Connection is mostly done via WebSocket.


Sink represents a unidirectional communication platform. Each sink is responsible for authenticating, managing connections, and providing an interface for sending messages for a given platform like Elasticsearch, outgoing webhook, etc.